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徐国恒 教授







  1997年底赴美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)儿童健康与人类发育研究所(NICHD) 和糖尿病消化和肾病研究所(NIDDK)做博士后研究员



  Xu C, He J, Jiang H, Zu L, Zhai W, Pu S, and Xu G*. Direct effect of glucocorticoids on lipolysis in adipocytes. Molecular Endocrinology. 2009; 23(8):1161-1170.

  Zu L, He J, Jiang H, Xu C, Pu S, and Xu G*. Bacterial Endotoxin Stimulates Adipose Lipolysis via Toll-Like Receptor 4 and Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2009; 284(9):5915-26. This article was selected by Faculty of 1000 Biology

  Zu L, Jiang H, He J, Xu C, Pu S, Liu M, and Xu G*. Salicylate Blocks Lipolytic Actions of Tumor Necrosis Factor-a in Primary Rat Adipocytes. Molecular Pharmacology. 2008; 73(1):215-223.


  Jiang H, He J, Pu S, Tang C, and Xu G. Heat shock protein 70 translocates to the lipid droplet surface in adipocytes upon heat shock stress. Biochimica Biophysica Acta. 2007, 1771(1): 66-74.

  Xu G, Sztalryd C, Lu X, Dorward H, Tansey JT, Kimmel AR, and Londos C. Post-translational regulation of adipose differentiation-related protein by the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2005; 280(52):42841-7.